IT and GeospatialServices on Demand

Space InfoTech is a business that specialises in information technology services ranging from programming, geographical Information systems software customisation, through GIS/IT consultancy.

We can develop programs that could help your organisation to speed up on project tasks that usually take forever to complete, whiles keeping to high quality assurance.  We use appropriate programming and take a participatory approach meeting your business needs regardless of the area of expertise.

We customised Esri's ArcGIS to prepare on-the-fly parcel plans .  We also carry out data conversion for engineering work done in a variety of formats- for example CAD that need to be converted into ArcGIS formats (Land Surveyors contact us asap!). 

Among others we do the following

  • Application Development, Operation and Maintenance 
  • Data Needs and Management
  • Database development and System Support
  • Android App development

Our services

Clearly, automation leads to greater efficiency in many common   tasks. Automating land records using GIS provides the data management tools for efficient maintenance of land records maps and data. Whether it be a parcel split or a more complex subdivision of a large tract into smaller residential lots with new rights-of-way, GIS includes the tools, workflow, error checking, version management, and historic rollback that make mapping and public records tasks quick and easy.

We developed a customised Student Records Information System for KAAF University College to help manage the academic records of over 1000 students at all levels. The software has been designed to suit the diverse modes of the programmes being offered at the private university college. 

Data Management

We make use of diverse data structures to build reliable databases to support your business processes.

Software Development

We can help you with developing a suitable software that takes care of your problems


We use GIS for mapping, crime analysis, agriculture, engineering and many other application areas

Website Design

We can design websites 


Our company has provided services for over 15 years. We concentrate on project management, consulting and training in the fields of GIS, remote sensing and webmapping, with projects conducted in Ghana and abroad. Up-to-date information is always ensured through our relationships with a variety of companies, organisations and universities.

Osu Customary Secretariat

Web portal to contain parcels of land and keep track of ownership and property rents.

Landscape survey tools app

Landscape architects and other built-environment experts may need to quantify the areas encompassing all the visible features of an area of land; thought the focus is often on aesthetic appeal, it is important to have handy tools that can help to compute a few basic parameters.

Simple curve setting out app

A simple calculator for any type of curve to suite different turn radii was to be designed as soon as possible for all future projects. The development of Set-out Simple Curve is highly motivated by the need to reduce the time spent manual extraction and or measurement of curve parameters.

Paga and Dakola Border

Mapping and listing of the stakeholders: Agencies, personnel (Customs, Police, Immigration, SPS, Health, Chambers of Commerce, Ministry of Transport, etc.): all agencies present at the border and their staff (number) were identified and mapped- Local communities and authorities


Patricia Hawks

Regina, CA

Patrick O’Brian

Seattle, WA

Our story - Landscape app

Whiles working on a landscaping project, I observed the difficulty in computation of certain parameters . The survey assistant had to always calculate using pen and paper and I made my mind I was going to develop an app which could make our lives easier. So the birth of Landscape Survey Tools app is highly motivated by the need to reduce the time spent on the field computing what should be written on the stakes.

Also there are approximate area measurements that can be made without the use of sophisticated equipment. 
CutandFill app allows the user to apply simple height differences read from levelling staves (Neufert, 1980, page 436). The app makes use of few but recommended grades for landscaping. This is a user-friendly app which the user, most likely a surveyor or engineer or architect will find to be handy while doing setting of pegs for grading a larger area to ensure proper drainage.

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